Thursday, January 31, 2008

Easton Sv12 Review Softball


Personally I do to do to try to lower the GDP Italian.
I am not an enemy of the state, indeed, I wish it were better. But to do this, GDP has nothing to do anything.
Indeed, the "growth" that would at least continue to flaunt magazine.
Why? Here's how I feel. The approach
of fossil fuels, the wars to control it, melting glaciers, increased (exaggerated) of the waste, the devastation of forests and environmental pollution are clear signs of what's going on.
Yet politicians, economists, and industrial companies continue to rely on the unbridled consumerism and to lay the growth of GDP in the same sense of productive activity. Always
growth, growth and growth. It seems that pushing in a infinite growth, when the world is not at all and continues to send us signs that we ignore.
Join the decline means adopting a lifestyle more intimate and healthy, without so much consumerism that often flows into repulsive.
An example: I started autoprodurmi yogurt.
You will say, So what? Carry-over from the book "The decline happy " Maurizio Pallante.
"Yogurt industrially produced and purchased through commercial channels to reach consumers on the table runs from 1,200 to 1,500 miles, costs 5 euro per liter, is packaged in jars to 95% of all disposable plastic, grouped in packages of cardboard, undergoes treatment conservation spending is not allowed to live bacteria which it is formed.
Yogurt self-produced by fermenting milk with appropriate bacterial colonies (which is really easy ...) should not be transported, does not require wrapping and packaging, costs the price of milk has no preservatives and is rich in bacteria.
Yogurt autoprodtto is therefore of higher quality than that produced industrially, it costs much less, helping to reduce CO2 emissions because there is consumption of fossil fuels for transport and for the production of disposable containers, does not produce waste.
However, this choice improves the quality of life of those who does and does not generate environmental impacts, involves a decrease in GDP because the yogurt is self does not go through the mediation of money, then reduce the demand for goods, either because they requires fuel, so it decreases the demand for goods, and because does not require packaging and packing, then reduce the demand for goods, both because it decreases the cost of disposing waste. This disturbs
finance ministers because it reduces the revenue from VAT and fuel acis; environment ministers because it's reduction in funding of their budgets and can no longer subsidize alternative energy sources in view of "sustainable development" , mayors, regional presidents and contact perhcp can no longer distribute to their constituents the government subsidies for alternative energy sources, the municipal landfills and incinerators, the operators of district heating system powered by incineration, perchp must replace the lack of refuse derived fuel (which withdraw a fee) with diesel fuel (which must pay). "
Then, with less plastic tubs and less transport, and work is extracted less oil.
With the ferments contained in yogurt evacuation ours is much better: we buy less in purgatory (which is transported to oil ...) and improve the quality of life.
The decrease of all these things do not move to diesel trucks (ie oil) and does improve traffic and reduce harmful toxic emissions, and further improves the quality of life.
The decrease of trucks circulating decreases statistically traffic accidents, and other improvements to life. There would be: less hospital costs for injuries, medications, funeral, repair and replacement of vehicles that are no longer serviceable. Further improve the quality of life.
But this reduces the GDP.
know then that I say? And who cares de'm GDP!


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