Sunday, May 25, 2008

Message Of Congratulations For Pregnancy

Dear Grandpa, tell me it means freedom? Dr. Montanari

I would not want one day my nephew told me that a phrase like that.
Why do I say this?
Because this government removed the right to speak to people, has already crushed into a sort of dictatorship that, personally, I do not like.
Look what happens to those who opposed to incinerators and landfills in the Naples area.
Exemplary: democracy is gone from our country, and we also the courage to export it by force abroad.
No one can fight for their health, it is only a right to them.
And the "opposition" are extraordinary:
Freedom is becoming a crime: the Police and Carabinieri have been established to protect citizens, not to defend the government of a neutral government.
defending us from criminals, not to avoid the legitimate protests of the people concerned about their health.
Congratulations to those who voted for them.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Seven Dimensions Of Judaism

Interview: The Particulate Filter!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Sims3 Kegen Generator 2010

Government to whom?

After the swearing in of the new force policy, I can not speak my mind. The fourth government
Berlusconi promises a pearl world:
"To Affairs Franco Frattini, to ' Interior Roberto Maroni, while the new Keeper will Angelino Alfano. All' Economy Giulio Tremonti, the Defense Ignazio La Russa, the Economic Development Claudio Scajola. the Education Maria Stella Gelmini, to Agriculture Luca Zaia, while Environment Stefania Prestigiacomo . Infrastructure At will Matteoli to Welfare Maurizio Sacconi , to Cultural Heritage Sandro Bondi.
nine ministers without portfolio. At Reforms Umberto Bossi, the simplification will be Roberto Calderoli, to ' Implementation of the Programme for Government Gianfranco Rotondi. At Community Policies Andrea Ronchi, the Equal Opportunities Mara Carfagna, the Regional Affairs Raffaele Lease. It will be minister for youth policies Giorgia Meloni, the Relations with Parliament Elio Vito and all 'innovation Renato Brunetta. "
Notice anything strange? Look good.
M! They have named the mystery of HEALTH '! They did a super-ministry that brings together labor, health and social policies. And there is the Ministry of Health!
Here in Italy we do not need, we're all fine! So, with all incinerators that they promised us, are to appoint the first minister of the dead ...
you realize we live in that country??
Already the government team is at least debatable, but even put a minister for health ...
So writes The Press:
" For the first time Italy will not have a health minister. smile and think anyone who does not miss it, because in recent years, with some intervention in Mantera's smoking, the presence of a health minister in the governments did not leave very obvious signs.

So will be the only Western country not to have a health minister but a deputy minister. Exactly what it will mean we'll know only at the end of term, now you can only speculate. It may not change anything, for example, and in a sense could really be this way.
"A good start ...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Brent Corrigan Mobile

INCINERATORS and waste: the ultimate truth!

After all the talk about the amazing discovery of the ductus Montanari and Dr. Gatti,
post a video of the scientist Paul Connett.
Professor Connett is a professor of chemistry at the University of Canton, New York.
a long time he has specialized on the alternative to incineration that we understand to be the worst thing that exists with regard to waste.
Zero Waste , so called it, that is: zero waste.
Yes, you can not produce more waste it takes and technical education (obviously) but it is not impossible as we want our beloved leaders pouring out continually.
For all the information I can only refer you to the video: Take 10 minutes and watch it, it is very enlightening. Dai.