Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Polkadot Wedding Tables

We did it!

What we've been good, dear Italians, to make us fool again.
We were able to resurrect the psycho-dwarf again, as in the past. We
trufoli as the king of the premier, who the criminal record is clear:
"amnesties 2 (P2 perjury and false accounting Macherio), 1 acquittal doubt (GDF bribery, false financial statements Medusa), a full acquittal (corruption of judges Sme-Ariosto); two acquittals for decriminalization of the offense by the same defendant (false accounting All Iberian, Sme-Ariosto); 8 filings (6 per mafia and money laundering, for complicity in the massacre 2) 6
requirements (financing illicit Craxi with All Iberian; Macherio false accounting, embezzlement and false accounting Fininvest, false accounting Fininvest occulta; false accounting
Lentini, judicial corruption Mondadori), 3 ongoing trials: Telecinco (false financial statements, tax fraud, antitrust violations English), Mills case (judicial corruption), Mediaset rights
(embezzlement, false financial statements, fraud tax), Sacca (bribery); an ongoing investigation (incitement to bribery of senators). "Taken from the book by Marco Travaglio.
And not to mention the other band composed of 55 other otherwise honest only in PDL.
I think as a people we must at least be ashamed. Not because it's Silvio rather than Walter, but because we voted for those who do not want our interests.
Shame, Italy.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Lime Green Xanax Bars

Rating accomplice / 5 Rating

After analyzing the four "major" deployments that occur in the next election, write about the convicts who want to enter or remain in Parliament.
I apologize to the sides that I mistakenly regarded as "small", but unfortunately I think that information may be different as mine must also say different things and contradict those of the TV. We
a summary only numerical.

People of Freedom: the 56 leaders (the top of the range, for those who want to vote for them ...)

Pd: 18 (there they were, it seemed strange that there were)

Northern League: 9 (it was clear .. .)

UDC: 9 (soppranominata by Beppe Union of Prisoners ... do not worry)

Socialist Party: 3

Rainbow Left: 3

The Right: 2

Abortion? No Thanks: 1

Total: 101

101. I would like to make you think about this issue. It 'a very high number, one-sixth of parliament prosecuted or convicted.
But we realize??
Take back this country, please.
Link to read the details of suspects / convicts in Parliament by the great Marco Travaglio.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Write Up On Moving Office

accomplice / 4

pre elections in the week I'm really venting. Are pissed off, I hope you are. Now it's up to
: The left the Rainbow.

The candidate is Prime Minister Fausto Bertinotti.

The left is a rainbow in my opinion the top of incoherence: when they were in the control room did not have blocked a number of incinerator, indeed!

promises support to unmarried couples, homosexuals and workers, all these fine words were clearly disappointed.
The only little thing made are DICO and I consider them ridiculous. Homosexuals should be protected seriously, not to pretend. The rights must be recognized that real couples, at least in my opinion.

Minister Brown, sorry or Green, Scanio (over to have resulted in parliament's brother and former captain of Salerno as a nepotistic phenomenal) is very ambiguous. In words he says "no incinerator" and writes his blog:
" Other than those of NO. We are the ones of the SI 'responsible.
I even had to sign the Environmental Impact Assessment for the incinerator of Santa Maria La Fossa , and I did it because compared to waste on the road for me is the primary duty to resolve that problem. Then the legal investigations - and not us - who have blocked other applications for incinerators. "But can
they know the shame? I think even impossible.

E Faustino who made a campaign on workplace fatalities. When the government was not there? He
parliamentary questions on the subject? Proposed laws? Lobbied for these poor wretches who die right? Of course not. From

Be very careful, Sunday in the voting booth, FOR THE COMMON GOOD .

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Psychology A Good Career

Rating accomplice / 3

I continue with my personal analysis of the main coalitions who want to govern.
Today it is the coalition of the center, UDC. The prime candidate is

Ferdinando Casini .
Taken from their program.

"revival, first-level study, production nuclear energy and reactivation of existing scientific and technological heritage "On the nuclear
I have already expressed some time: it is a very high risk, including economic as well as for our Pellacchia.
" Diffusion and simplification of incentives for the use of renewables, solar, wind, plants and waste
still refuse. But it is not clear that this process is dangerous? obviously have other interests, not our health.

"Increasing the number of LNG terminals "
These statements are wicked and should be punished by law.
" Transforming waste to energy plants through the experiment on "
MA see who we're going to vote? Who wants to kill us. These puppets of politics is not the least interested in our health, whether we live or in a coffin, not interested!
Let's take a Cutting these criminals who want to bury us both.

Be very careful, Sunday in the voting booth, FOR THE COMMON GOOD .

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pilladas Calle Online Gratis

Rating accomplice / 2

continue with the pre-election initiative.
Today it's up to: People freedoms.

The candidate is Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
in the program include the following information.
" incetivazione and promotion of recycling and the completion of incinerators for the disposal of municipal solid waste in the deficit regions.
Another coalition that wants to fund our cancer and other diseases. He also wants us to give birth to malformed fetuses , since the scientific literature on this is very numerous.

" construction of LNG terminals already approved .
Here is a second attempt on our lives. But let us continue.

" Relaunch and financing of priority works great with the foothills and Lombard Venetian bridge over the Strait of Messina, High-speed rail .
The apogee ignorance. But they know that we do not have as many lives as cats? We die only once, and yet still insist ...

" participation in European projects of nuclear power generation .
Here, I missed. Return to nuclear power. But let the numbers?

There are things one can agree or not, but you can not go against science and medicine. It 'an attack on our lives. Let that not happen.
Be very careful, Sunday in the voting booth, FOR THE COMMON GOOD .

Monday, April 7, 2008

Baby Born Wishes And Greetings

Rating accomplice / 1

One week low after the elections I will devote seven days to write these coalitions that appear to be the our future employees.
The title is "voting party" because these breakfast with very few exceptions are accomplices of the system that has devastated our country.

Today begins: Democratic Party. Those who
scarring of the "New" and advances that are nothing more than the usual just another flag.
These phenomena of politics occur in the program by inserting the following sentence:
Making finally the necessary modern infrastructure and sustainable , regasification plants, incinerators, TAV Lyon-Turin-Trieste . They are calling environmentalists do.
This is simply the anti-environmentalism.
All these statements
qua non of these are based on NO rational nor scientific.
There are funding and selling our future disease, we are very careful.
Their sustainable infrastructure are those that kill people, according to science not by politics, but they pretend not to understand.
E show to listen to a lot of the people who live in Val di Susa, who say no ifs, ands or buts notav with all their voice. If they want to build the TAV
we send the army. But it was not done to protect us?
Be very careful, Sunday in the voting booth, FOR THE COMMON GOOD .

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Necklace Or Ring That Sweetheart Wear

Casini and nuclear

Casini is also pro-nuclear. I wonder on what scientific basis can think of is nuclear.
take stock of the situation.
Currently only 5% of world energy is produced through nuclear power, very low figure. There are points
  1. to meet the energy demand from nations should be used 10,000 nuclear power plants;
  2. is statistically proven that there would be two stations with 10,000 disasters like Chernobyl year. Imagine the risks to health;
  3. would create so much radioactive waste that nobody knows what to do if you do not store them landfill because are not disposed ;
  4. the material used for nuclear fusion would end in 10 years, since we use the isotope uranium-235 and we have very little. According
' International Energy Agency : "The contribution to the world's energy needs provided by nuclear is only 6.5% of primary energy and is set to drop to 4, 5% in 2030 "so I do not think it's a worthwhile investment for the coming years.
Not to mention the pollution produced by nuclear processes, air pollution that we are, As always, we taxpayers in the lungs.
All the V2-Day!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Wife In Thongs At The Beach

Elections in a modern country?

Silvio I also falls on the technology of the future. I did not think we got to this point.
Who flies all day, every day of the innovation when it comes to Internet safety helmet with a big thud, "I have no knowledge of the medium."
I am very sad. They do not know ila most widespread technology in the world, where it circulates the free information and free knowledge.
We realize where we are? But where we are?
Dei leaders even know that the Internet is like a surgeon not familiar with the scalpel.
Cricket comes to mind when I said that Bertinotti did not know the e-mail.
We are sinking at the speed of light, let's steering this nation FOR THE COMMON GOOD.