Friday, March 12, 2010

Face Goes Red And Hot After Eating

some uncomfortable truths

story trying to pouring out today .. it is a story not memory of oblivion .. but ..
one of the arguments often used to procrastinate the truth is that of the Cave. Now
a premise is necessary: \u200b\u200bI do not support any kind of violence, if that needed to ensure their safety.
Well ... two words on Foibe ... we begin with a phrase spoken by a criminally insane that someone wants to redeem and sanctify

"Faced with an inferior race and barbaric as the Slavic, do not follow the policy giving him sugar, but that of the stick. The borders of Italy must be the Brenner, the Snowy and the Dinaric: I think we can sacrifice Slav barbarians 500,000 to 50,000 Italians. "
Benito Mussolini, 1920

idiot! !

.. What are sinkholes?
are at the beginning of the speech, I want to avoid, as far as we can succeed, all judgments of value: the foibe
are caves, holes, karst phenomena TYPICAL
said this ... remember a few episodes that occurred during and after the second World War ..
But "let's see how things are" ...

At the time of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, and also durantel'Impero Austro-Hungarian Empire, the word nationality virtually had no weight, was much softened ... .. After the First World War, nationalism and eat coglioneria are born equally BALLS nationalism resulting early state racism.
Italy began a policy of forced Italianization of the "unredeemed."
Go to the Rice Mill of San Saba to understand what I mean ... it's full of documents ..
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Istria and this action is carried out with a highly dynamic and equally systematic.
Especially in rural areas and inside the Slavs (Slovenes, Croats, Dalmatians, cici, DO NOT FUCK GYPSIES), largely illiterate peasants, they find themselves strangers in their house.
The fascist actions are very hard ..
- the closure of primary schools in Slovenia and Croatia, and the confinement of some members of Croats and Slovenes.
- Fascist violence continue without remedy or detention by the authorities, such as fires associated locations in Pula and Trieste. The
-The final blow to the education system Slovenian and Croatian arrived October 1, 1923 with the educational reform of the Minister Gentile. REMEMBER ME A NEW ANTI-REFORM OF ALIENS.
- In 1927 it was the turn of the change of names (place names had already been Italianized in 1923). So almost all the surnames were Italianized Slovenes and Croats. A true act of brutality toward personal identities. (We must not forget that these measures were also taken to Zadar and Rijeka, the city "extraterritorial" which were annexed force after the First World War.)

continue the story in future posts ..
just to give it a name: General Roatta
but it's only shit never went to Nuremberg! ! !


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